24 Things I've Learnt in 24 Years
24 Things I’ve Learnt in 24 Years 1) Be a writer, not an aspiring one. 2) Being able to think independently is the greatest privilege, treasure and strength of all. 3) Don’t just trust your intuitions, utilise them. 4) Losing friends is inevitable and that is OK. You’ll gain new ones. 5) Meeting old friends whom you’ve not met for a decade isn’t as scary as you’ve imagined. In fact, it feels amazing meeting those awesome people again. 6) Holding grudges and not letting go of anger, are extremely destructive weapons that might kill and poison you inside out. 7) Often times, you can choose your feelings and reactions, the way you can choose how you want to live. 8) Accepting others’ points of view does not make you a conformist. 9) You are unique just the way you are. You don’t have to try hard and do weird things to be unique. Just...