27 Things I’ve Learnt in 27 Years
Three days late but here it is – a list of the 27 things I’ve learnt in 27 years, one I was supposed to write on my birthday on 17 Sep. Better late than never I suppose, so here I am, writing and reflecting. I’m not sure how many of the lessons I’ve learnt are universal or even if they would still apply to me a year or ten later, however change and growth are to be embraced and celebrated, so here goes: 1) Being flexible and adaptable doesn’t mean you’re being false to yourself. Instead, flexibility and adaptability are qualities that will mentor your evolving self towards greater self-awareness and self-knowledge, opening your eyes to your previously untapped potentials. 2) Some dreams take longer to come true but that’s OK, or in fact more than – the process is perhaps to be celebrated. As an aspiring novelist and a newbie blogger, I have learnt that writing is not the only act that will get my novel written and that completing blog...