Eleven Things You’d Relate to If You’re Both a Prose and Poetry Writer

   Hello everyone! How are you? Thank God it doesn’t rhyme this time around. Phew. My sentences have become too rhyming nowadays, so imagine my relief my friends, imagine my relief indeed! Gosh! All those daft rhythmic rubbish again! What to do? Well, I think writing this listicle’s what to do. As the self-explanatory title suggests, in this post I share eleven things you’d relate to if you’re both a prose and poetry writer like me, or to put it more simply, a confused writer. Nah just kidding. Anyway, let’s dive into that list!


1)    Most of the time, your poetry doesn’t rhyme and your prose does – especially when you don’t want it to.

2)    Your text messages read like song lyrics and although you’re not a songwriter – at least not formally – your song lyrics read like text messages.

3)    Procrastination will often try to charm you into writing a novel when you’re working on your poem and vice versa.

4)    Your poetry has too many plots and your prose none at all.

5)    You have been asked if you’d consider writing prose poems.

6)    You have been told that your short story or novel reads like a prose poem even though you don’t intend it to – and worse, even when you have no idea what a prose poem is!

7)    Your creative writing professor tells you that your poems need more concrete imagery.

8)    The professor also tells you that the vivid poetic descriptions in your short stories need to be toned down a bit, as it were.

9)    Your friends adore your puns. In fact, they have told you that those puns are clever, which has surprised you because according to the famous or rather, infamous word association game, the word ‘puns’ is always associated with the word ‘daft’.

10) People find your responses hard to respond to because they’re often overly dramatic – not people, your responses. You are puzzled by how, for want of a better word, stoic others’ responses are.

11) Like you, your muse is all over the place. They, as in your muse, don’t know what boundaries are, often creeping up on you unawares or leaving you so abruptly you have no time to process when you’ve started procrastinating since they’ve left you unsupervised.


So there you have it! I have written the list mostly to amuse myself and I hope you’d find it an entertaining read 🤡



  1. Day 1 of begging for a dramatized, rapidly spoken audio recording! The rhyme problem always reminds me of 4th grade. Dustin reads his poem aloud to the class: "In the stars, I see a man. It reminds me of a frying pan." Mrs. Baxter cuts him off: "WHY would that remind you of a frying pan? You can't just rhyme just to rhyme."

  2. 1 + 3! Can't agree more! Thanks a lot for sharing, Ashley! It's a bit relieving and empowering :)


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