To the Supportive Souls Who Have Kept Checking to See If I Have Updated My Blog

Hello angelic individuals,


   Thank you, amongst other things. Bye for now! Joke, except of course for the thank you bit – probably the amongst other things bit as well, I suppose. It has been absolutely heartwarming to see that although I have not posted on this blog for a while, you beautiful souls, whoever you are, have been checking on me. Perhaps you enjoy silently critiquing my writing. Or perhaps you enjoy my writing. Full stop. Either way, I am super touched to have realised that you care. After all, updates are definitely long overdue. So here I am!

   If you are my Facebook friends, I am afraid there won’t be anything new here (I don’t mean here on my blog; by here I am referring to this post). As I highlighted in my Facebook post last year, I needed to stop blogging to prioritise my goal of writing to literary agents, following the advice of my friends who didn’t want me to burn out, to whom I was and still am truly grateful. They saved my life as it were. At the moment I am still waiting to hear back from a few of the literary agents I have emailed, uncertain if no news really means good news. What I am sure is that I will keep writing, by which I mean both producing more works and approaching more agents. Oh by the way, this would be news to my Facebook friends, my AdSense account was terminated because I failed to post regularly. My reaction to that? Well actually … I felt relieved and liberated when I received my email with regard to the termination. My intuition told me that it was a blessing in disguise and that instinct was strong! We’ll see!

   I’d really love to prattle on but I have to go as I’m feeling a little unwell. To paraphrase my journal entry today by way of elaborating, ‘A battle between my desire to merge the one and two-page synopses of my novel (which I’ll be submitting to the literary agent I am currently writing to by tomorrow or the day after) and my diarrhoea ensued. The latter won, which didn’t and doesn’t mean that the former lost (because recharged tomorrow, I will definitely be productive).’

   Bye then! Although I can’t post regularly, I’ll keep you updated soon, hopefully with good news. I mean, to be optimistic, at some time or other, great stuff is bound to come my way, right?

Thank you so much again for checking this blog even though I don’t post regularly anymore! You have made not just one but so many of my days, by giving me the confidence boost to keep writing and shining. Indeed, you are amazing 💖 Oh and remember, this is not a farewell post, OK?


Love and luminosity,

Ashley xx



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